wire back

英 [ˈwaɪə(r) bæk] 美 [ˈwaɪər bæk]

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  1. I sewed the new soles to the shoes with copper wire and put the cardboard back inside.
  2. The free electrons move into the saltwater, then into the clean copper plate, into the wire, through the meter, and back to the cuprous oxide plate.
  3. When the wire being stopping, the welding power outputs high level voltage with wire burning back and forming a liquid weld metal drop.
  4. And even though this portion-is no longer linear so even though Hooke's Law-no longer holds still, if you take the weight off the wire, off the rod, 0 it will still come back to zero.
  5. I will cut the wire and fall back upon the bridge as we convened.
  6. A metal weight at the end of a sounding line. Bend the end of the wire back.
  7. The outer electrons of the atoms in a metal wire are continually moving from one atom to another and back again.
  8. In cannot affirm when whether be being joined to meet by announcement unit or individual, should ask the other side receives the wire back after the announcement.
  9. There comes a time that if we make the angle too-large that we permanently deform the wire& it will not come back to its original position.
  10. A wire carrying an electric current exerts magnetic forces, and these forces act back on the wire itself.
  11. The utility model solves the problem that in the past a hot rolling flat slate steel and a hot rolling wire were used to manufacture the brake shoe back, with consumption lowered.
  12. A wire has come loose at the back.
  13. Bend the end of the wire back.
  14. The wire swung back and cracked against the building.
  15. Lead the wire in from the roof, through these holes in the back of the television set.
  16. Keep flame away from rod or wire as it is fed into the joint. Move flame back and forth as alloy is drawn into joint.
  17. Flux-cored wire is applied to the austenitic stainless steel pipe by back weld, MAG for the filling and cosmetic weld, at horizontal fixed round welding vertically up.
  18. In this paper, the following factors of influencing the wire spread during drawing through roller dies are studied: reduction of thickness, passes of drawing, friction, back full.
  19. Comparing with imported solid welding wire, this newly developed product can realize the back slag protection for melt well when used for bottom bead welding, thus the complex backside argon protection procedure is no more needed.
  20. The modulated wire is reflected back to coupler by the right optical fiber, then transferred to optical fiber modulator by another optical fiber, and outputted as analog variable after A/ D transition, signal processing and D/ A transition.
  21. Electromagnetic excitation of wire in back of conducting lane with long slit
  22. This paper introduces the characteristics and technical process of CO_2 gas shielding one-side welding with flux cored wire, and studies the welding parameter and influence on back welding shapes.
  23. The control system of the machine can work synchronously with the underwater welding power. When the wire being stopping, the welding power outputs high level voltage with wire burning back and forming a liquid weld metal drop.
  24. The Design and Adjustment of the Wire Rope Driver Making the Movable Window of an Astrodome Made of Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Slide and Open Back and Forth
  25. The high-speed wire electro-discharge machine in prior art employs the open-loop control system, and this means the output signals to the stepping motor can not be fed back.
  26. The pre-strained SMA wire will shrink back to its original length when it is heated to the transformation temperature, consequently will cause the local deformation, thus a controllable trigger mechanism is formed.